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Caloosa Productions is a small independent company that has been set up specifically to cater for all Stagecoach franchises, audio visual, viral and on-line school video promotional requirements.

In this era of virtual media demand, we at Caloosa Production recognise that it is increasingly difficult for small businesses of this nature to maintain one step ahead of its competitors, whilst meeting the demands of running a school on a day to day basis.

Having previously collaborated on other projects with Stagecoach Head Office, we work very closely with Stagecoach TV and fully understand the Stagecoach brand and ethos.

Our main objective is to work very closely with school principles to achieve the highest standard in production value, within a budget that will not compromise any element of their requirements.

We can work nationally and are very happy to discuss any element of your media requirements, whether it be a video promo for your microsite or filming an event or school performance show, photography and web related video content.

Should you require any further information please feel free to
email us at info@caloosaproduction.com and we will endeavour to get back to you straight away.
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